Casa Los Herrera

Casa Los Herrera

Adultos Adulto niños del al


#{ forfait.selected_ff_days } Días de Forfait

Hotel + Forfait

precio total por noche precio total por noches

Lo sentimos, este hotel no tiene habitaciones disponibles del #{querystring.check_in} al #{querystring.check_out}.

Casa Los Herrera

Hermigua - La Gomera Ver mapa

Servicios destacados:


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¡Destino muy solicitado!

9 alojamientos se han reservado los últimos 15 minutos en Hermigua

Últimas opiniones del hotel

10 Excelente
Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Basado en 103 opiniones

Puntuación 4,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 4,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

Silencio en la habitación

Puntuación 4,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 4,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 4,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Mostrando 5 opiniones destacadas de 103 opiniones de Tripadvisor



Sheffield, United Kingdom


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Brilliant staff and very comfortable accommodation”

We had had a very tricky day on a walking trail, due to exceptionally adverse weather. The managers were very sympathetic and helpful when we arrived at the hotel. They gave us a warm welcome and looked after us well. The rooms are lovely, with balconies opening up beautiful views over the chu... Más


Karen E


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Lovely traditional hotel”

We were delighted with every aspect of our two night stay in this friendly and comfortable hotel. Our spacious room had a huge private terrace, and there was also a beautiful lounge with sofas, magazines and games as well as a small rooftop pool and terrace. Very friendly and welcoming staff. Del... Más


Robert E


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Very welcoming hotel, outstanding breakfasts!”

Jordi was in charge for our two-day stay in November (the pool just warm enough for some brief swims!) and provided such a positive welcome. The help-yourself honesty bar is a good feature although you may have to buy your own milk at the local Spar shop if you want some in your tea. Breakfasts w... Más


Caroline J

Croydon Surrey Uk


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Hotel en route walking, very good”

With access to some coastal walks we enjoyed the facilities of this hotel. We marvelled at the pool and it’s terrace views of the stunning area. Comfortable beds, big breakfasts including cooked eggs, of a wonderful fresh fruit selection. The staff were extremely courteous & helpful. A restaurant... Más



Newry, United Kingdom


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Delighful Canaries Hotel”

The lady who co-runs the hotel is very pleasant and welcoming. Check-in was easy, and she provided some useful information. She also cooked nice breakfast some mornings and was always very busy and eager to please; the guy who on my last morning cooked and checked me out was not so friendly, and ... Más

Sobre el alojamiento

Cómo llegar

Hermigua - La Gomera Ver mapa

Instalaciones y servicios

Piscina exterior
Servicios adicionales
Parking cerca del hotel
Venta de excursiones
#{ depositAmount } #{ depositCurrency } #{ depositType }
Forma de pago: #{ paymentMethods }
Fecha de pago: #{ depositTime }
Nº personas: #{numberOfPersons}
Planta: #{floorNumber}
Número reg. turístico:
#{ registryNumber }
Nuestros alquileres incluyen:
Gastos energéticos
Gastos de limpieza
Gastos de gestión

A tener en cuenta

Horarios de entrada y salida

Llegada fuera de horario / Recogida de llaves: #{ lateCheckin }

Número reg. turístico: #{ registryNumber }

Tasas incluidas en el precio final:
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Casa Los Herrera

  • ¿Por qué destaca Casa Los Herrera?

    Entre los servicios más destacados podemos mencionar Wifi, Piscina exterior, Ascensor y Parking cerca del hotel. Ver lista completa de servicios de Casa Los Herrera.
  • Sí, dispone de Piscina exterior.
  • Sí, el Casa Los Herrera tiene Parking cerca del hotel.
  • Sí, el Casa Los Herrera tiene Wifi.
  • Los usuarios de Casa Los Herrera opinan que: We had had a very tricky day on a walking trail, due to exceptionally adverse weather. The managers were very sympathetic and helpful when we arrived at the hotel. They gave us a warm welcome and looked after us well. The rooms are lovely, with balconies opening up beautiful views over the church, the town and the surrounding countryside, and the pool is good. Breakfasts and packed lunches are of excellent quality. The communal sitting room is well furnished and equipped.
  • La dirección exacta del Casa Los Herrera es Hermigua - Plaza Nuestra Señora De La Encarnación, S/N
  • Hermigua
  • None - None
  • None Adulto
  • 1 Habitación