Serrana Palace

Serrana Palace

Adultos Adulto niños del al


#{ forfait.selected_ff_days } Días de Forfait

Hotel + Forfait

precio total por noche precio total por noches

Lo sentimos, este hotel no tiene habitaciones disponibles del #{querystring.check_in} al #{querystring.check_out}.

Serrana Palace

Belo Horizonte - Ver mapa

Servicios destacados:

  • Valoración Buena (6)

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5 alojamientos se han reservado los últimos 15 minutos en Belo Horizonte

Últimas opiniones del hotel

6 Bueno
Puntuación 3 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Basado en 102 opiniones

Puntuación 3,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 3 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

Silencio en la habitación

Puntuación 3 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 3,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 3 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 3,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Mostrando 1 opiniones destacadas de 102 opiniones de Tripadvisor


Frank d

Winston Salem, North Carolina


Puntuación 3 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


I am in Belo Horizonte, Brazil for the next two weeks visiting friends so I was searching for a centrally located hotel at a moderate price. This is a nice hotel but it has seen it's best days somewhere in the distant past. Everything in it is dated especially in the rooms (here they call them ap... Más

Sobre el alojamiento

Cómo llegar

Belo Horizonte - Ver mapa

Instalaciones y servicios

#{ depositAmount } #{ depositCurrency } #{ depositType }
Forma de pago: #{ paymentMethods }
Fecha de pago: #{ depositTime }
Nº personas: #{numberOfPersons}
Planta: #{floorNumber}
Número reg. turístico:
#{ registryNumber }
Nuestros alquileres incluyen:
Gastos energéticos
Gastos de limpieza
Gastos de gestión

A tener en cuenta

Horarios de entrada y salida

Llegada fuera de horario / Recogida de llaves: #{ lateCheckin }

Número reg. turístico: #{ registryNumber }

Tasas incluidas en el precio final:
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Serrana Palace

  • ¿Qué servicios destacan en Serrana Palace?

    En Serrana Palace destacan los siguientes servicios: Valoración Buena (6). Ver lista completa de servicios de Serrana Palace.
  • Sí, los usuarios de Serrana Palace han destacado que: I am in Belo Horizonte, Brazil for the next two weeks visiting friends so I was searching for a centrally located hotel at a moderate price. This is a nice hotel but it has seen it's best days somewhere in the distant past. Everything in it is dated especially in the rooms (here they call them apartments). I was in the 9th. Floor and still could hear the heavy noise of the city. Soon I found the reason, there are openings above the windows which cannot be closed. I guess they where built this way before air conditioning, but now in the dead of winter the room temperature was equal to the outside temperature at night. Good sleeping weather provided you don't have a reason to get up in the middle of the night to maybe go to the bathroom. Extremely nice and accommodating people here, and a nice "Morning Coffee" (their name for breakfast) at a restaurant on top of the hotel (12th. Floor). There's also a nice pool and a sauna on the roof, but I did not try either. The Internet is fast and easy to use. The elevators are efficient and quick, and check out time in not until 2 PM, a plus for me, but with all the good things this hotel has to offer, there are others as well or better appointed, with newer updated facilities for the same or better daily rate. Shop around, I did and found another hotel with similar facilities at a better price.
  • Podrás encontrar Serrana Palace en Belo Horizonte - Rua Dos Goitacazes
  • Belo Horizonte
  • None - None
  • None Adulto
  • 1 Habitación