Antioch Quarters Inn & Suites

Antioch Quarters Inn & Suites

Adultos Adulto niños del al


#{ forfait.selected_ff_days } Días de Forfait

Hotel + Forfait

precio total por noche precio total por noches

Lo sentimos, este hotel no tiene habitaciones disponibles del #{querystring.check_in} al #{querystring.check_out}.

Antioch Quarters Inn & Suites

Nashville - Tn - Ver mapa

Servicios destacados:

  • No está permitido fumar en todo el hotel
  • Centro de conferencias
  • Valoración Buena (6)

Ver mapa

¡Destino muy solicitado!

5 alojamientos se han reservado los últimos 15 minutos en Nashville - Tn

Últimas opiniones del hotel

6 Bueno
Puntuación 3 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Basado en 321 opiniones

Puntuación 3,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

Silencio en la habitación

Puntuación 3 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 3 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 3,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 3,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 3,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Mostrando 4 opiniones destacadas de 321 opiniones de Tripadvisor


Preston L


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Much better than expected, great employees and clean room”

I was a bit worried with the location of the place, but the rooms were very silent. The workers here care about the hotel and made the experience much more relaxing, especially since we were on a trip from across the states. The hot tub and pool were nice to have but both were colder than expecte... Más


Bonne R


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Excellent Room was very clean Comfort”

Had a very nice stay at this hotel. We arrived early and our room was not ready. Very nice receptionist gave us another room that was ready so we were able to checkin early. Excellent breakfast in the morning. Very clean hotel with spacious rooms. Location is great near tanger outlets . A few tu... Más


Jessica J


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Cleanliness”

Staff and manager was soooo AMAZING & the made me & MY WEDDING PARTY AMD FAMILY COMFORTABLE & LIKE FAMILY from the time we checked in and it was a quick process as well I will be back. We enjoy in pool and room was very clean near from tanger outlet we enjoy lot


Chuck F


Puntuación 3 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Over night stop”

Bed was above avg for price point. Shower was not the best. Had to pay 75.00 for our schnauzer then when leaving manager told us pets weren’t allowed. Was very rude, i told him we paid when checking in, ok then was reply. Breakfast was terrible. Young lady checking us in was very nice.

Sobre el alojamiento

Cómo llegar

Nashville - Tn - Ver mapa

Instalaciones y servicios

No está permitido fumar en todo el hotel
Centro de conferencias
#{ depositAmount } #{ depositCurrency } #{ depositType }
Forma de pago: #{ paymentMethods }
Fecha de pago: #{ depositTime }
Nº personas: #{numberOfPersons}
Planta: #{floorNumber}
Número reg. turístico:
#{ registryNumber }
Nuestros alquileres incluyen:
Gastos energéticos
Gastos de limpieza
Gastos de gestión

A tener en cuenta

Horarios de entrada y salida

Llegada fuera de horario / Recogida de llaves: #{ lateCheckin }

Número reg. turístico: #{ registryNumber }

Tasas incluidas en el precio final:
¿Te ha convencido?

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Antioch Quarters Inn & Suites

  • ¿Por qué destaca Antioch Quarters Inn & Suites?

    Entre los servicios más destacados podemos mencionar No está permitido fumar en todo el hotel, Centro de conferencias y Valoración Buena (6). Ver lista completa de servicios de Antioch Quarters Inn & Suites.
  • Los usuarios de Antioch Quarters Inn & Suites opinan que: I was a bit worried with the location of the place, but the rooms were very silent. The workers here care about the hotel and made the experience much more relaxing, especially since we were on a trip from across the states. The hot tub and pool were nice to have but both were colder than expected. Great check in and out experience as well
  • La dirección exacta del Antioch Quarters Inn & Suites es Nashville - Tn - 1100 Bell Road - 37013
  • Nashville - Tn
  • None - None
  • None Adulto
  • 1 Habitación